Monday, September 30, 2019

Battle Of The Bulge

Since the time that war, military and military men have existed, there has also existed a parallel class of strategist, philosophers, military, practitioners, philosophers and historians who have invested their lifetime of effort comprehending the complexities of warfare.These efforts have produced both long, complicated documents that have looked in entire social and economic aspects associated with warfare, and also condensed records and quick lessons into strategy of war that practitioners of the military art could use to guide the conduct of warfare (Johnsen et al.1995). The efforts to chronicle war details and related documents is also taken in earnest effort by every nation, in order to create a perspective on war and establish a set of workable principles that can be followed in the course of any armed struggle. However, mere compilation and study of principles would certainly account as a very limited effort in evolving a contemporary and updated approach towards warfare.Whil e the principles may have been thoroughly scrutinized at the tactical and operational levels of warfare, their applicability and suitability at the practical level of implementation may be less than exhaustive. For examples, the principle and lessons of war from Napoleonic warfare, although revealing from the strategic point of view, may have little operational significance from the standpoint of 20th century techniques and necessities (Reid, 1993).It is important therefore for these principles to apply at the strategic level of war under the conditions of rapid technological change, and remain in accordance of military needs of the time. Contrary to ocular perception that associates war as purely a military enterprise, one that is conducted entirely on battlefields, the reality is that war is an intellectual accomplishment and creative exercise, and hence many of its finer details are perfected at the strategic board and discussion rooms.The intellectual framework required to accom plish this complex procedure requires a theoretical structure that is provided by Principle of war (Johnsen et al. 1995). Meanwhile, theories and principles are just one of the side of a full-fledged war, as they have their own limits and it’s the balanced of combination of principles along with ability to transform them in practice that ensures victories in armed engagements.It is also important to remember that war strategies and principles applied in a particular battle essentially bear the stamp of their time. Although they may appear out of place, or seem overtly simple from vantage point of time, they reflect the best wisdom and experience of the age (Murdock, 2002). It is from this understanding and insight that this paper looks into the important Battle of Bulge, fought between German and US forces towards end of the Second World War and that is universally recognized as the bloodiest battle faced by US in the War.Modern Principles of War The two world events that hav e profoundly affected war strategies and principles have been the First and Second World War. The scale and range of military strategy and operations seen in each of the war had been hitherto unprecedented, and with introduction of motorized units, battletanks and aircrafts, the very core of military strategy changed for forever (Johnsen et al. 1995).The lead military thinkers and strategists of the day were forced to undergo a total revision of their approach towards conducting battles that no longer comprised of charging cavalrymen and open field combat, and brought in their consideration the role of bombers and fighter aircrafts- such modern tools of warfare that had never been used by any army through the course of human history (Reid, 1993).However, though acutely aware of the fact that pre-World War I operational strategies and principles of battles no longer hold any applicability or relevance for modern context, the strategists included some cardinal ethics in revising and p reparing the new principles of war. Some of the outstanding principles of war, as promulgated from time to time by lead military thinkers and strategists have been Originality, Economy of Force, Strategy of Indirect Approach, Objective, Offensive, Military Security, Concentration, and Co-Operation (Reid, 1993; Murdock, 2002).The first among these was Originality. By its very definition, originality does not conform to any specified set of rules, procedures or antecedent governing conduct of war. It is always a fresh take on situation, borne purely out of context of the battle. Military strategists attributes following characteristics to originality (Reid, 1993): 1. Originality is the product of an original mind. 2 An original idea or plan, by its definition, presents novel insights and its not an obvious one; further it can not be known in advance to originator themselves.Original ideas are likely to be unconventional and they happen to be product of an unorthodox approach. 3 Origin al approach and ideas generated will posses varying degree of originality and situation specific approach that may come with built in elements of context based improvisation and ideas. However, the ability to conceive original ideas does not translate to ability of selecting the most appropriate course of action. 4 Originality comes from active imagination. 5. Every one participating in an action is capable of coming out with original ideas.There are several noted contributions of originality in military field that are historically famous and have been marked as legend. The use of elephants by Hannibal, the retreat plot deployed by Normans at the battle of Hastings, and the spectacular success achieved by German Blitzkrieg are all too famous and taught across all the military schools in world (Reid, 1993). Surprise, as it can be noted, formed the crux of the originality and with further maturation of military doctrine, surprise and initial advance emerged as separate principles of w ar that were followed to the hilt by many military leaders.The remarkable successes of Germany in the initial period of the Second World War and in the Operation Barbarossa against Russia and the deadly Japanese strike at Pearl Harbor were all result of a military strategy strictly woven around the cardinal principle of surprise and initial advance(Reid, 1993). Despite the obvious advantage of originality and the elements of surprise, flexibility and initiative introduced by it, the stress on originality alone do not form the full crux of war principles.Economy of Force: Economy of Force, as a military principle was a central theme of British Military Doctrine post World War I. Economy of Force is traditionally defined as a commander’s ability to identify the area to concentrate the main thrust of the force for decisive result corollary of concentration of force (Murdock, 2002). It is well recognized that it impossible to be strong everywhere and if decisive victory is to be achieved then it is imperative that strength is directed at the critical time and place, while ensuring that reduce the wasteful expenditure of effort.It also involves a commander’s ability to take calculated risk, planning for balanced development and providential deployment of available resources (Murdock, 2002). Strategy of Indirect Approach: Strategy of Indirect Approach is aimed at minimizing blood loss at battlefronts, both in friendly and enemy’s camp. Developed as opposite to war of attrition, it is a purely philosophical approach that is aims to strike strategically at enemy’s point of weakness instead of the main force. The areas identified for this purpose are lines of supply, lines of communication, factory and industrial installations and power centers (Murdock, 2002).Strategic bombing against these vulnerable but highly sensitive channels is likely to effectively cripple enemy’s ability to conduct warfare, leading to capitulation by its main body with minimum of blood loss. Battle of Bulge The Battle of Bulge, known in Army circles as Battle of Ardennes, resulted from German offensive in the last phase of the World War II and it took place from 16 December 1944 to 25 January 1945. After the Normandy Landing of 6th June, 1944, Allied forces had liberated almost whole of the Europe from Nazi occupation and cornered German forces to their own territories (Astor, 1999).Allied Forces had taken the strategic position in the rough terrains of Ardennes, that occupied areas of Belgium and France. Although the forests and hills of the region made it an apparently impregnable region, the history defied this notion as the region constituted the main path taken by German forces in both 1st and 2nd World War to mount surprise attack on Belgium and France (Astor, 1999). The region had already seen a major confrontation in the beginning of Second World War when German forces launched their blitzkrieg on France using the same path.Now, with tides of battle turned, Allied forces had parked themselves in the same region, preparing to use it against launching their major offensive against German mainland. The emotions in Allied Armies ran high at this juncture. They had successfully liberated almost all of the Western Europe from Nazi occupation and at the beginning of December, 1944 they were standing at the threshold of the door of Nazi regime, the cause of momentous suffering and unparalleled loss of life for millions of people.The heavy Nazi defeat in USSR, resulting in almost total decimation of over half a million Nazi force had further created a positive mood of victory. It was not surprising that many of the army men and military officers were looking forward to end of War by 1st January, 1945. However, hopes of a quick victory took a setback as US intelligence gathered rumors mentioning a massive German counter attack. Prisoners captured and deserters from German army mentioned of large scale congregation o f German military machine and personnel.By 9th December, there were unconfirmed reports in Allied camps of an impending German maneuver, but there was hardly any decisive or concrete information available on which to base the response. For a short time the Army generals believed the military amassment to be of defensive in nature, aimed at protecting German borders (Astor, 1999). Meanwhile, around 12th of December, in several cases of interrogation of bordering civilians, Allied soldiers learned of heavy movement of military equipments as well as arrival of hardcore Nazi troops –Wafen SS from Italy (Astor, 1999).The reports created a scene of impending offensive assault. However, the report took more than a day in making its way to Army headquarters. As a matter of fact, riding on their feats of victory over Nazi Army in recent battles, American army had dangerously dropped its guard and slumbered in a zone of complacency. German spies reported that American guards manned the ir post for an hour after dark and then returned to base to emerge at the dawn.This was in total disregard to the alert and caution required at the time of ongoing war situation. As confirmed by American commander of 106 division, before bulge, they were a nine to five army in Ardennes. The Nazi Ardennes offensive was prepared by Hitler himself and it was based on standard German strategy of achieving maximum damage through surprise. Towards this purpose, German forces maintained total radio silence, putting Allied forces completely in dark on the movements and intentions of their enemies.While Allied armies rested through first half of December, German panzer divisions, supported by large number of infantry troops were stealthily filtering through forests of Ardennes to catch Americans unprepared and off guard (Astor, 1999). Germany had indeed the plan well laid out for they had deliberately selected the most vulnerable section of American division for the first salvo. German batte ries opened fire on the early morning of 16th December, 1945. The sixth panzer division showered 99th division with heavy mortars and shells, severely destroying Allied communication lines (Astor, 1999).The Fifth Panzer division, supported by Seventh Army, tore into Allied forces, virtually annihilating the opposition out of way. The attack was so intense that it literally cut down large number of trees surrounding the Allied camps, and falling tree trunks became another mortal hazard for the soldiers scrambling for cover and their life. Allied forces soon galvanized their response and within an hour of initiating attack, the 277th division found itself facing a barrage of shots and ammunition from Allied forces, and especially American soldiers.In fact at many places German forces suffered heavy casualty. However, German preparations were fairly elaborate and troops stationed near Sauer River and Sauer town witnessed the amazing scene of searchlights reflected through low hanging c louds, illuminating long stretches of path for German forces while providing little guidance to Allied troops of the location or position of their formidable adversaries (Astor, 1999). The adversaries indeed proved too formidable and they incessantly and mercilessly poured down heavy shells, bombs and fire on a force caught completely off balance.The impact of the German affront forced American divisions to move back; they hoped to assemble at a safe place and then mount an effective counter strike. But the rapidly advancing tanks units of German Army stripped the retreating American troops of any assemblage point inflicting waves after waves of massive casualty. To support the army motorized units, approximately thousand planes of Luftwaffe hovered over the scene, dropping paratroopers, reconnaissance and when the opportunity presented, strike the visible American targets.The swift German attack had also been successful in creating wedge between First and Third Army, and separated British forces from American units. The German armies continued their rampant attack for three full days, causing heavy casualties on Allied forces. Meanwhile, the Allied generals, under leadership of General Eisenhower and command of General Patton were already planning counteroffensive against German divisions. Eisenhower and the Allied command well understood the fact that German were counting on their success upon same speed and thrust that had achieved in the initial years of wars (Astor, 1999).However, Ardennes presented a different topography that was too rough and too uneven for quick, breezy movements. Further, the time of year being December, the entire area was covered with snow and it considerably slowed down German Operations. The principle aim of advancing German army was to cross the Meuse River, using the cover of surprise and stealth for their infantry to cut through Allied lines. Behind them Panzer divisions would coast easily, mowing down remaining resistance and cross the River.Once across the river, they would turn and head for the crucial port of Antwerp that they aimed to capture in order to cut off Allied supplies and force them to capitulation. However, German forces, in all their haste to advance, could not discount the natural adversities of fog, snow, inclement weather and hostile terrain. The Allied armies used these natural disadvantages well against advancing German battalions to halt them in their track and in the process cause severe damage to their resources. The Allied high command also sent quick reinforcement to flanks under pressure of heavy enemy fire thereby negating the German success.The resolute stand by Allied armies and their refusal to submit to overwhelming German armor virtually stalled the German advances (Astor, 1999). By December 18, from the strategy point of view the German High Command had known that their operation was destined towards failure. If they continued to pursue it, it was done with the hope to i nflict heavy damage on allied force and seize the initiative from them. The German fought desperately more because they knew that Antwerp presented them their only chance of survival, however slim it may be. In defense lay their total ruin (Astor, 1999; Smith, 1995)).However, as US generals later estimated, Germany faced total ruin in either of the situation. It was essentially stripped of the substance to reverse balance of power in Europe. With Allied forces pressing it from the West, and Russian forces blowing it from East, the German defeat had become a certainty that even most optimistic of Nazi generals knew. If anything, the battle of Bulge brought their ruin sooner than later. By 20th of December, Allied generals had taken complete stock of the situation and prepared their counter plan with the aim to completely neutralize the Nazi striking potential (Smith, 1995;Cooper, 1998).By 22nd of December, Allied airplanes, comprising of bombers and fighters, started to wreck havoc o n German armored units. Although Luftwaffe tried to counter the Allied airplanes, but it was outnumbered and beaten out of contest. By December 24, Allied bombing of German rail movements, their communication line, their armored divisions and their supply lines created a condition of virtual siege for German army, that starved in absence of supplies, ammunition and fuel (Smith, 1995). Nazi units were severely short of fuel, that had, for all the practical purpose, rendered them cripple and worthless from battle point of view (Smith, 1995).From Christmas of 1944, the definitive allied ground counterstrike began against defeated and retreating German armies. German encirclement of town of Bastogne was broken down by January 3 and by January 10 the two division of advancing Allied forces from two directions were at a distance of mere 10 km from each other, allowing the Nazi forces a very narrow corridor to ensure their escape (Smith, 1995). It had taken exactly a month to turn German p osition into a hopeless one, from where almost no escape was possible. By January 16 the combined allied forces were rapidly closing down on them.The severe damages suffered by Nazi forces that included 1,20,000 casualties (wounded and dead), loss of 600 tanks, 1600 planes, complete disruption of their communication lines and exhaustion of their fuel supply, had irrevocably broke their back. The offensive came to an end by January 25, resulting in an another major and decisive allied victory (Smith, 1995). Reference Cooper, B. Y. 1998. Death Traps: The Survival of an American Armored Division in World War II. Presidio Press, Astor, G. 1999. The Greatest War: Americans in Combat, 1941-1945; Presidio Press.Smith, W. B. 1995. Eisenhower's Six Great Decisions: Europe, 1944-1945; Longmans, Green. Houston, D. E. 1995. Hell on Wheels: The 2d Armored Division;; Presidio Press, 1995 Johnsen, W. T. , Johnson, D. V. , Kievit, J. O, Lovelace Jr. D. C. Metz, S. 1995. The Principles of War in the 21st Century: Strategic Considerations; Strategic Studies Institute, 1995 Reid, B. R. 1993. The Science of War: Back to First Principles. Routledge, Murdock, P. 2002. Principles of War on the Network-Centric Battlefield: Mass and Economy of Force; Parameters, Vol. 32, 2002

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bullying And Violence: The Effects Introduction Essay

Bullying will become an increasingly important problem for parents, school, administrators, and teachers, and will affect our society at large if not prevented. People started to realize action needed to be taken. Some suggested a behavioral approach. Tamanini (2017) on the other hand, feels that the best way to prevent bullying is starting at home. There was also Cordi and Masturzo (2013) who suggested getting students to talk about bullying using fiction and non-fiction books that focus on that subject. They claim that it puts them in a safe place. Throughout time, people have created different interventions and programs and even disciplinary actions to slow down the excessive growth of bullying. Some have been successful and some not so much. Background Bullying is the act of intentionally harming someone physically, verbally, or psychologically. Bullying is often repeated over time and involves an imbalance of power. Acts of bullying include unwelcome touching, teasing and name-calling, sending threatening or mean-spirited messages (such as texts, chats, voicemails, or e-mails) or spreading of hurtful rumors. Bullying and cyberbullying, or bullying that occurs online, are sensitive issues for many children, educators, and families. Some children may be embarrassed that they have been bullied or have bullied others, so it’s important to create a safe environment, where they feel they can share their thoughts. My Position The position I have chosen to pursue is the fact that bullying starts at home. Parents must realize the effect they have on their children and the examples that they are setting. If they see you act on violence, they will do as they see and bring it to their own environment. This is a problem a lot of parents face and don’t realize that to prevent this issue it starts with them. They should even monitor their television and what they allow their kids to watch, especially at a young age. A simple show that your child watches can change their behavior instantly because what they watch they might consider it to be ok. With them being so young and not knowing any better is the best time for them to be influenced. Parents need to step up and be more involved with their children because neglect is a big issue. Parents will focus on what they have going on like work or everything else except their own kids. And that will cause them to act out. Basically, the influence of bullying sta rts at home all around. Forecast Main Points In this essay, I will discuss the cause and effect of bullying. It will touch bases on bullying starting at home and how to prevent it. It will also cover the different types of bullying and how books can help children overcome. Lastly, it will talk about how television has an impact on kid’s behavior towards bullying. Evidence It seems that kids that choose to bully others usually come from the influence of their parents. They come from a home where they see their parents fight a lot and or physical punishment is used (Tamanini, et al., 2017). She suggests that parents start taking disciplinary action on their child early. Students tend to also act out due to lack of attention from their parents, so they lash out to seek attention from others. This can include neglected children, children of divorced parents, children who come from homes where their parents abuse the use of drugs/alcohol. Tamanini (2017) stated, â€Å"Early intervention and effective discipline and boundaries truly are the best way to stop bullying, but parents of the victims or therapists cannot change the bully’s home environment† (2017). Espelage, Ryzin and Polanin (2015), studies the distal outcomes including bullying, cyberbullying, homophobic name-calling, and sexual harassment perpetration (2015). Cyberbullying is enga ging in rumor spreading through cell phone and or the internet. Homophobic name-calling is gender-based name-calling such as â€Å"gay’ or â€Å"dike†. And sexual harassment is unwanted sexual commentary or sexual rumor spreading. They used social-emotional programs to address the troubled behaviors and promote academic success. This program is meant to help young kids and teenagers become more self-aware, manage their emotions and build friendship skills. Cordi and Masturzo (2013) believe that students should use fiction and non-fiction books to talk about bullying. It helps students to feel as if they are not alone and put students in safe place. Just by reading fictional books helps them pay attention and question the choices of others. Whether a student chooses a book that is a classic or just a picture book, they can use books as aides in telling their own stories in a digital and audio form (Cordi & Masturzo, 2013). Students became very active using this method that was presented to them and they felt more comfortable.  Television shows surprisingly have a major negative effect when it comes to bullying. Take for example the show â€Å"Survivor†, which has the concept of a last-man-standing elimination game. It encourages people to form alliances to manipulate the other players just to gain their trust. Meanwhile plotting schemes of their own to go against their own alliances. According to Seale (2004), she states, †Å"These shows send the subtle but clear message to our kids that deceit, gossip, and verbal/physical aggression are perfectly acceptable ways to manipulate your social world towards your own personal gain.† (Seale, 2004). In our society, we seem to feed into the gossip, the humiliation or even the conflict. Opposing Argument Although television shows do play a role in children growing to be bullied, I do not agree that that is the only thing they do. Some shows do give out good messages. For example, the show â€Å"13 Reasons Why† talks about a young lady who had been dealing with bullying through-out her high school experience. At the end of the show, she commits suicide. But before she does, she creates 13 tapes where each person has their own tape and she explains how they played a role in why she took her life. The whole lesson of this show was to let young people know that even if you don’t think you are, you can push someone over the edge. Not everyone is as strong as you think. Some show project ways that kids themselves can intervene or even show parents how they can be more involved. Not all television shows are bad influences but still should be monitored.    Conclusion. Bullying seems to be inevitable. But it is not something that cannot be stopped or slowed down. Children and teens seem to get their bullying habits from many different sources. But one that I most agree with is that it starts at home. Parents need to pay more attention to their kids. Monitor what they watch so that media will not be an issue. Although I do know that you cannot keep everything on T.V from them, you can still educate them that what is shown on television is not always meant to be brought into real life. That the things they display aren’t always right. Parents need to also stop neglecting their children so that they will not go and seek attention in an appropriate way. Pay attention to how you act and what you say around them. Because what they learn from you they will unto others. Kids should feel comfortable in their own environment. Non-the less in their own skin. Students tend to see bullying as power. It is highly recommended that parents get involved with their children in bullying programs and become more engaged in the matter. References Cordi, K., & Masturzo, K. (2013). Using literature and digital storytelling to create a safe place to address bullying. Voices from the Middle, 20(3), 21-26. Retrieved from, D. L., Low, S., Van Ryzin, M., J., & Polanin, J. R. (2015). A clinical trial of the second step middle school program: Impact on bullying, cyberbullying, homophobic teasing, and sexual harassment perpetration. School Psychology Review, 44(4), 464-479. Retrieved from, K. (2016). How Do We Stop Bullying in Schools?. Psych Central. Retrieved on November 16, 2017, From Seale, A., (2004). Divorce Help & Family Divorce Information. Television Bullying and the Role of the Media. p. 9. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Case Study Of John Wayne Gacy English Literature Essay

Case Study Of John Wayne Gacy English Literature Essay John Wayne Gacy, a serial killer who was born in Chicago, Illinois, was the only son in John Samuel Gacy’s family of three children. He grew up in a family where they had an affectionate mother but a cruel father, an alcoholic, who used to discipline Johnny, as his mother called him, using a belt. The father used to be both physically and verbally abusive to the entire family; he would call Gary a â€Å"mama’s boy† and a sissy. Gary faced some extra hard childhood problems, including being molested by a family friend at only nine and being struck by a swing right on his forehead when he was eleven. The result was a head trauma that became root to a blood clot that was first noticed five years later; that is when he started suffering from black outs (Sullivan he attended four different high schools, dropped out of every single one of them and, at the end, never graduated. After a quarrel with his father when he was twenty years old, john decided to move to Las V egas, Nevada, where he got a job as a mortuary attendant for about three months. He then returned to Chicago, where, without having to go back to high school to seek graduation, he registered at the Northwestern Business College and graduated there. After his graduation, he managed to secure a management trainee position at a shoe company and made some major leaps in life after that, including getting promoted as a salesman in Springfield, Illinois, in 1964 and getting married to Marlynn Myers the same year (Kozenczak he constructed a basement at one of the restaurants where he opened a bar. Here, he used to take teenage male employees and forced them to perform oral sex on him. He also claimed to perform scientific research when he paid the teenagers fifty dollars each to have sex with each other; he called them homosexual experiments. Things got a little thick for Gacy in 1968 when two teenage boys claimed having being sexually assaulted by him; he got away with it when there was no evidence found. The same year, a youth confessed against Gacy; he had hired him to molest one of the two boys, trying to intimidate them. This time, he got ten years in jail after getting convicted of sodomy and on the same day, his wife filed for divorce – he never saw his children again and his father died while he was in prison, after which he had a pretty hard time trying to secure a compassionate leave to go and bury his father; he never succeeded. In 1971, Gacy was accused again by a young boy who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by him but the case got dismissed since the young boy never showed up in court. In 1972, another accusation for Gacy came up when he was arrested and accused of battering a young man. The man was claimed to have been battered when Gacy flashed a Sherriff’s badge, impersonating a police officer and luring him into his car. He allegedly forced him to fellate him but the case was dismissed after claims of the man trying to blackm ail Gacy for money were raised. Gacy continued to commit more crimes after 1972 including murdering many people, most of them young boys and men, committing rapes on teenage boys and other major crimes. Between 1972 and 1978, Gacy had raped and killed thirty three teenage boys.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sociology-East Indian punjabi society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sociology-East Indian punjabi society - Essay Example The growing mismanagement, corruption and increasing migration to Indian Punjab is also posing to threat to the otherwise Indian paradise. There are about 88 million Punjabis. Abut 68 million live in Pakistan Punjab, the remaining 20 million lives in Indian State of Punjab. In 1947, the Punjab province was split into West Punjab (Pakistan) and the East Punjab Province in India (Punjab India. Available from The Indian Punjab State encompasses Pakistan to Delhi. In 1966, however, the turmoil that arose from Punjabi-speaking state caused the establishment of the current Punjab State. (Punjab state information. Available from With the massive river system, majority of Punjab is blessed with abundant plains where irrgination comes from extensive systems of canals. The southeast region is semi-arid and further extends to a desert landscape, the Great Indian Desert. The northeastern part of the state is an undulating Siwalik Ranges extending to the foot of the Himalayas. The Indian Punjab State has a subtropical climate, with hot summers and cool winters. Climatically, there are 3 major seasons, hot weather from April to June, rainy weather from July to September, and cold weather from October to March. Dust storms are common in the hot weather. The temperature drop close to freezing on winter and hard frosts are common (Punjabi. Available from Because of the fertile land of Punjab, it is most ideal for agriculture. In fact, the world’s leading school of agriculture is found in this region. Indian Punjab is called the â€Å"Granary of India† or otherwise â€Å"bread-basket† of India, since it is the biggest source of wheat in the country. Other produce such as rice, sugarcane, cotton, fruits and vegetables are likewise sourced from Indian

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Che Guevara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Che Guevara - Essay Example Revolution is a struggle and plea for freedom. Men such as Che Guevara throughout history have fought as well as triumphed and lost revolutions that shaped our lives now. The battle has been very inhuman and many soldiers shed blood and lost their lives in these battles. War and the revolution have this implication of having to use force and power over those who are weak and oppressed. To describe a specific type of creative production created by human, it is called Art. Che made use of art in order to revolt against the tyranny of the existing administration. Aesthetic value is a characteristic of every artwork. There should be a sense of beauty and pleasantness with the product of the human. Art has several purposes. It can be for human expression, a part of a ritual or to symbolize a feeling or idea. The definition of art can be vague and it cannot be limited by a specific meaning. Human creativity is the main driving force of art. Some people may think that art is just a piece of work that has no significant purpose but to fill our aesthetic needs.

Background Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Background - Term Paper Example The airport was built up using a metallic reinforcement that has been holding the entire set up. This has been incorporated so that the pilots are informed about the possible dangers that the airbuses may encounter by proper exhibition in the compass. Along with this several establishments like four hangers and private dining clubs were set up in the airport premises. Post 1939 period when the airport was under the New York Municipality a lot of fund was invested for the development of the airport and for incorporation of modern amenities (PANYNJ 1). In the later stages of development the airport faced problems relating to overcrowding and huge burden of the air traffic. However, the traffic faced a decline after the terrorist attack of 11th September, 2001 and there was a decrease in demand for travel in New York. Plans of renovation of the Central Terminal Building have been on the process and developmental activities are taking place to improve the airfield layout of LaGuardia. All this have been undertaken to increase the demand for air travel among the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sustainable energy systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sustainable energy systems - Essay Example In larger scales, solar thermal technology harnesses enough energy for us in generating energy equivalent to geothermal plants. Solar is a clean and renewable energy implying that unlike fossil fuels it neither pollutes the environment nor gets depleted. Its use is therefore more economical owing to the minimal environmental effects. The United Kingdom uses different forms of fossil energy in the form of petroleum products. Such fuels have been in use for years all through the history of the country in running companies, automobiles and in small-scale domestic uses. Fossil fuels are convenient owing to the fact that they are portable and considerately cheaper. Developed countries including the United Kingdom constitute the greatest users of the fossil fuels therefore the greatest polluters of the environment. The phrase sustainable energy refers to the production of sufficient energy at affordable costs. The affordability of energy in this context does not only apply to the cost of p roduction but also to the environmental consequences in the course of the use of the energy resource in a particular country. The United Kingdom currently consumes an average of 300TWh annually. ... From the above brief discussion, the two forms of energy become evident: renewable energy and nonrenewable energy. Renewable energy refers to the different energy that comes from replenished sources. This refers to natural sources of energy, most of which are never depleted; they come from natural sources which continually get recycled. Among the most common sources of this energy include rain, sunlight, wind, tidal waves and geothermal heat among many others. Non-renewable energy, on the other hand, comes from depleted source key among which are fossils thereby resulting in the term fossil fuels. Fossil fuels form because of a process referred to as anaerobic decomposition of living organisms. This process takes millions of years and the resultant fuels contain a lot of carbon. The most common forms of such energy include natural gas, petroleum and coal (BOYLE, 2012: pg 31). This therefore implies that despite their convenience and cheaper cost of production, fossil fuels are not co nvenient and the country should determine a way of reducing their usage and encourage the consumption of more cost effective energies. Renewable energy is not depleted, they are commonly referred to as clean energy owing to the fact that they do not involve the combustion of any substance and therefore do not result in by products such as carbon as is the case with fossil fuels. This explains that while fossil fuels pollute the environment through the production of carbon, clean energy does not owing to the fact that they do not produce any carbon compounds as the by products. Additionally, machines that run on fossil fuels produce a lot of noise owing to the combustion

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Chinese-English code-switching in Fashion Magazines Essay

Chinese-English code-switching in Fashion Magazines - Essay Example The essay "Chinese-English code-switching in Fashion Magazines" concerns the Fashion Magazines and Chinese-English code-switching in them. Editors of fashion magazines pay close attention to the contexts of linguistics and how they relate to the reader. Catalogues of genre and cultural meaning play important roles in determining and feeding into target audiences so that the magazines make a profit. Both utilizations of code-switching describe how readers view text and absorb it from various geographical areas. The term code-switching derives from the linguistic term denoting the concurrent utilization of more than a single language in conversation. John Gibbons made the first major attempt to study it at Hong Kong University where the students spoke ‘university talk’. It is especially used in context of sociocultural linguistics, which is the study of how linguistic structure clarifies how a speaker’s selectivity of a specific language is influenced by social cont exts in which it is given. In the middle of the English sentence, the Chinese symbol for â€Å"a† and â€Å"whose† is inserted rather than the English word. The hypothesized reason to why this occurs is due to the fact that bilinguals are not completely efficient in the second language. The variety of contexts may be race, gender, ethnicity, age, and sexuality. These factors are acknowledged when implementing code-switching into media forms like magazines. Magazines are a main media source used because of how broad of an audience it reaches. The age group can vary from teens to the elderly and has the capability to reach its audience members via stores, mail, street stands, etc. Fashion in particular has dominated the market since the eighteenth century when the first Gentleman’s magazine came out in London (Ashish, 2009). This is why code-switching has been incorporated into this form of media outlet in an effort to get the target audience to respond in the des ired manner. In Japan, the implication of foreign language into magazines of fashion is not subsidiary to any subject restrictions (Haarmann, 2000). With such a limitless palette in which to work with, the editors as well as advertisers were able to target their audience better. The four context motivators to utilizing code-switching first came to light in the late 1970s when Cantonese-English code-switching arose in Hong Kong (David and Li, 2003). Euphemism was a sociolinguistic phenomenon that illustrated relation connections with the community with its focus being to relay the intended message of the speaker (Wenzhao, 2001). It is the act of replacing a potentially rude or offensive word with a lesser one, not only to appease the listener but to protect the speaker from trouble. Although, it can be amusing, it can be misleading. Bilingual punning derived from the intent to assign double meaning (David and Li, 2003). The way it is done is by taking two different words in two diffe rent languages and combining them into a sentence to form a joke or amusing sentence, hence the term pun. In this context, the meaning of specificity is not far from what it implies in that English is used in place of Chinese/Cantonese words for either the reason that the English word is more specific or general (David and Li, 2003). Therefore, the sentence is issued the way it was initially intended. Lastly, the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Bio-ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bio-ethics - Essay Example Following a close analysis on the issue, I think that surgeon’s desire for fame has no effect on their work. To begin with, surgeons are human beings although they have an extra ordinary gift and therefore their desire for fame is human nature and therefore has no negative effect on their work. Their desire for fame only contributes to confidence on their work with little or no effect on the patient’s wellbeing. Secondly, Surgeons are trained persons who value their profession and therefore their desire for fame is for personal interest with little or no effect on their patient. Becoming a surgeon is not an easy affair since they have to go through intensive and extensive training before qualifying for the job. This makes them value their job and patients more than any other personal desire such as fame. Fame is not given but earned and most surgeons would agree with this fact, this implies that a surgeon who desires to have fame must strive to earn it through genuine methods (Scott 101). The only possible genuine method through which surgeons can earn the much-needed fame is by improving the care they give to their patients and this has no interference on a patient’s

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Devil Restaurant Essay Example for Free

The Devil Restaurant Essay 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Business Innovation Korean Bibimbap, a new restaurant that is featured by healthy Korean food aims to provide white-collar workers with convenient service and business leisure under the help of e-commerce and efficient management. The main characteristics of Korean Bibimbap is as follows. ââ€"  Korean Bibimbap is set up as a restaurant selling healthy Korean meal sets at an acceptable price. Nowadays white-collar workers are faced with a dilemma on where to have dinner. On the one hand, despite the cheapness of food in staff canteen, some white-collar workers have been fed up with its distastefulness. On the other hand, many white-collar workers also complain that they can’t afford the food in restaurant because of its high price. Combined with high stress and long time of work, such a dilemme now has contributed to many health problems in white-collar workers. Based on the analysis of this situation, Korean Bibimbap will provide healthy Korean food in varied prices and an agreeable environment for white-collar workers to enjoy. ââ€"  Following the trend of e-commerce, Korean Bibimbap will use a electronic system including website and integrated management system for prospect background. Customers can not only come to the real shop for dinner but also place order through the internet. It deserves to be mentioned that online order service is still at its primary stage of development in China. This system will bring as much convenience as possible to consumers and in return expand the business of Korean Bibimbap. 2. Mission and Vission Our first responsibility is to provide every customers healthy food at a fair price as well as the pleasure of eating. We will make sure that every consumer receives a warm welcome on walking in our restaurant. We value employee’s active efforts on bringing health as well as pleasure to customers, and on spreading healthy diet culture to the world. We would like to join hands to advance and retreat as one with the development of our restaurant. By working closely, we can pave the way for a better prospect of our restaurant. 1.3 Food Stucture As its name suggests, at the start-up stage the main food provided in my restaurant is Korean Bibimbap sets, varying in variety and price. Korean Bibimbap will use advanced equipments to prepare and store food material on large scale without affecting the flavor and nutrition of Korean Bibimbap. More over, some special snakes will also be offered as a complement to deversification of food. At the expansion phase, Korean Bibimbap will add more food lines to the menu list. 1.4 Market Analysis The restaurant market is a competitive market with low entry barriers, where new restaurants emerge rapidly and compete with the existing ones. Base on the SWOT analysis, a successful restaurant should have both distinctive food and high quality service at least. Besides, exposure to lage numbers of mobile population also accounts for the success of some famous restaurant. To take all these into consideration, Korean Bibimbap decides to target on white-collar workers in International Trade Center in Beijing. 5. Management The management team mainly comprises five parts: administrative department, marketing department, human resource department, financial department and purchasing department, each of which has its specific responsibilities. Periodically, Korean Bibimbap will have personnel training, especially for these senior managers and gradually establish a comprehensive training system. At the same time, Korean Bibimbap will strengthen and perfect information management system on different levels, so as to facilitate the smooth and efficient operation. 1.6 Financial Planning Total investment for the first year is one million, which comprises 0.7 million from partnerships and 0.3 million of bank loan. At the early stage, Korean Bibimbap has to pay regular interests to investors every month. At the second year, Korean Bibimbap will have paid off all the debts and continue to operate the business with acculmulated capital. 7. Risk Analysis Major problems may come from the potential pandemic outbreak, some irresistible natural factors, external large-scale maligant competition, management risk, financial risk and policy risk. In order to minimize the negative effects of potential problems and risks, Korean Bibimbap will have special training on relevent staff to improve their ability to predict and evade risks. 1.8 Conclusion In short, Korean Bibimbap is a restaurant combined with healthy food and advanced management, targeting on the white-collar workers. With the joint efforts of all staff, Korean Bibimbap will have a good market prospect and further development in the future. 2. Business Description 1. General Descriprion of the Business Korean Bibimbap is a new restaurant featured by health and convenience, aiming to provide white-collar workers with convenient service and business leisure under the help of e-commerce and efficient management. ââ€"  Target Consumers More often than not, white collar workers is more likely to eat out. For modern white-collar workers, they lay more emphasis on both convenience and nutrition. At the same time, they are also curious about exotic flavour and attach importance to deliciousness of food. They also don’t have too much economic problem, so medium priced Korean Bibimbap will not make them hesitate too much. ââ€"  Site Selection Because the target customers of Korean Bibimbap are white-collar workers, the location is finally decided as International Trade Center, which is known as one of the biggest office building areas. ââ€"  High Quality Services All the staff have to be energetic and enthusiastic young people, who will have united training course about providing good service and should be interested in, if not familiar with, Bibimbap culture. Various characteristic services will be offered from the customers entering Korean Bibimbap till their departure. Furthermore, Korean Bibimbap will provide convenient online reservation and take-away services. 2. Industry Background As a traditional industry, the restaurant industry has played important roles in the economic development. In the long term, the strong growth of restaurant industry will continue. There are two major reasons as follows: ââ€"  Although There are many restaurants in Beijing, the amount of people eating out is still a small proportion of the total population. With the further development of economy, there will be still great potential for new restaurant to win decent profits. ââ€"  From the perspective of demand, people will attach more importance to diversified, healthy and quality food. These demend will contribute to the further development of the restaurant industry. In coclusion, the restaurant market is a competitive market with low entry barriers, where new restaurants emerge rapidly and compete with the existing ones. However, there is still great space for new restaurants as long as operators make efforts to establish their own features and improve the quality of service. 3. Goals and Potential ââ€"  Vission To bring health and happiness to the world. ââ€"  Mission To bring health by providing delicious food; To bring happiness by providing better services. ââ€"  Core values Healthy Delicacy Our first responsibility is to provide every customers healthy food at a fair price as well as the pleasure of eating. Consumers First We will make sure that every consumer receives a warm welcome on walking in our restaurant. We measure our work against how much satisfaction our consumers get from our services. The satisfactory smile of customers will be our best encouragement forward. Enthusiasm and Dedication It is the enthusiasm and dedication of our employees that keeps our restaurant going and expanding. We value employee’s active efforts on bringing health as well as pleasure to customers, and on spreading healthy diet culture to the world. Teamwork We would like to join hands to advance and retreat as one with the development of our restaurant. By working closely, we can pave the way for a better prospect of our restaurant. 4. Uniqueness of Product The distinctive food of Korean Bibimbap is featured by its nutrition and convenience. On the one hand, Bibimbap is nutritious food with low calories, for the main ingredients of Bibimbap are various vegetables. Compared to KFC and other kind of cuisines, Bibimbap lays more emphasis on nutrition and health. According to latest study, Korean chilli paste can stimulate the palate of people and in some sense improve the immunity of people. On the other hand, Bibimbap is also a delicious and convenient food to be offered at a short time. While operating the business, we will prepare some ingredient in large numer beforehand and use special equipment to store them. As Korean Bibimbap becomes stronger, more food series will be added, like Korean barbecue, to the menu of restaurant.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Four Frames of an Organization

The Four Frames of an Organization Warren Bennis(2003), notices that good observation of the situations is the core competency of leadership and it is a important tool in developing successful organizations. Bolman and Deal (2007) highlights four major areas of organizational theory namely structure, people, political dynamics and culture. Each frame has its own logic, focus, assumptions and path to success of organization. Structural frame views an organization as a factory or machine and gives more importance to goals, formal relationships and specific roles. It also emphasizes on policies, procedures, creating rules to merge the focus of diverse group towards achieving the organization goal. The people frame perceives an organization as a unit with each individual having their own ideas, energy, needs, talent, limitations and feelings. Individuals in an organization should be given the liberty to operate on their own to display their talent but at the same care should be taken to get their job done. As per the view of Thomas (2006), the political frame perceives an organization as an arena with competition, power, conflict and policies as core where beliefs, skills, values, conflicts and interests among the staff are evident organizational realities. Finally, the cultural frame views organizational life as a festival where individuals join together to form culture, context and meaning as they engage themselves in their specific roles and bring creativity and inspiration into their work. Each frame plays an important role in an organization, but any frame alone is deficient. Gallos(2008), views modern organizations as complex beast and the fast growing technology and competitive world only adds more to their complication. Structural Frame: The structural frame as discussed before is concerned with rules and goals of the organization. So, the frame concentrates on the goal directions, structural clarity, and task accomplishment in an organization.(Harris Nelson, 2008).The main values of this frame are: The best approach is rational approach ; Dividing labor based on their specialization leads to improved performance and individual expertise; synchronization and control are best achieved through the authority and impersonal rules; and Based on an organizations nature structures can be systematically designed and applied. These principles suggest that problems in organization usually are signs of structural issues and it can be solved by streamlining and restructuring. But these are just one of the many problems that an organization is facing. Rationality is another important concept that an organization deals with. As per the view of Brunsson (2009), organizations are intentional, in other words organization works towards a definite reason. In many companies, it is a hypothesis that behaviors are governed by decisions under a norm of rationality. Usually this norm is difficult to satisfy in reality. Like two sides of coin, the concept of differentiation and integration are the reason for it being viewed as a rational approach. Differentiation in when tasks are done among individuals and integration is the link between the roles that make the interdependence. These roles and interdependencies are synchronized vertically by power and laterally by teams, meeting etc. There are six main assumptions in structural frame: Existence of organization is to attain established objective and goals. Efficiency of organization is increased and performance is enhanced through clear division of employees and specialization. Proper co-ordination and control ensures that diverse effort of individuals and units engage. For an organization to work at its best rationality should prevail over personal choice and external pressure. The structure of an organization should be designed in such a way that it fits to the circumstance of the organization. Structural deficiencies lead to performance gap and in this situation and can be solved through proper analysis and restructuring. Two design issues are how to allocate work and how to coordinate roles between them or unit. A job prescription is in form of job description, procedures where it is clear document on what an employee should do and what he should not to accomplish a task. Once work is allocated to individuals the managers/leaders face next important decision as how they should group people into working units. There are several basic operations (Mintzberg, 1979): Groups are partitioned on the basis of skill set and knowledge. For example Java team, Visual Basic team and so on. Groups based on working time, as by shift. Units formed on basis of product. Telecommunication software, accounting software and so on. Groups around client or customer. Groups around place or geography. Say for example team in Australia, team in India Groups by process. For example development, testing and support. In an IT firm like this, it is important to form groups and it can be best formed when they are grouped based on skill set, time, geography and process. The real problem here is problem of co-ordination. Units try to focus on their own priority rather than organizations. For an organization to be successful it has to employ an effective method of coordinating between the units to work towards the organizational goal. This can be achieved by either vertical coordination or lateral coordination. Vertical Coordination: In vertical coordination higher management has the authority. They decide as what should happen through authority, policies, rules and control system. Authority means designating a boss. He integrates the effort of individuals and units. They take control by resolving conflicts, making decisions, solving problems and distributing rewards. Rules and policies ensure informality among the employees. This helps to reduce particularism (Perrow, 1986) reacting to a particular situation on personal bias or political forces rather than towards the goal of organization. In order to make sure that a level of quality is maintained, standards are set. So a measurement against standard helps in finding the performance and makes it possible to fix a problem. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) reduce difference in performance for tasks that requires high level of predictability and not allowing more margins for error. Standard operating procedures can fail how ever more often only in case of situations that is not foreseen. Mintzberg (1979) distinguishes performance control and action planning. Performance control imposes outcome objectives. F or example increase the teams productivity by 5%. This is good way when the goals are clear but not successful when goals are hard to measure. Action planning specifies action as well as time frame. It works well when it is easier to access how the job is done. Lateral Coordination: Sometimes vertical coordination cannot be effective. Behavior of people is usually untouched by rules and command. Lateral techniques such as meetings (both formal and informal), network organization, matrix structure, coordinating roles and task force helps in filling the void. In our organization in order to fill the void there will be continuous meeting. There will be wide range of meetings like project management meeting to make sure that project can be delivered on time as promised with high quality. In a high technology company that is under consideration, we will have task forces also. High-technology firms have high degree of reliance on project teams or task forces to synchronize development of new service or product. Being a high technology company it is important to have networks as knowledge will be spread all cross the organization and it cant be at a particular place. Ghoshal and Barlett (1990) argued that many organizations have evolved into inter organization network. Initiatives arise from many places as it is a multi centric structure. Structural imperatives: Organizations architecture depends on following factors: size and age, core process, environment, strategy and goals, information technology and nature of the workforce. Let us see how these factors play a role in shaping an organization. Size and age: An organizations size and age plays a key role in architecture. A small company can have informal structural arrangements. Whereas the same organization, as it grows, it will be difficult to get a hold of the process if things are not formalized. As a startup IT company it can be informal but since it is high technology organization it is very much essential to formalize process say for example documenting everything as the work done is not repetitive and knowledge needs to be shared. Core Process: The core product is taxation software for tax agents. Henderson and Clark (1990) said that it is difficult to cope with the change in a technology for an established company than a startup firm. Being a startup firm there is an edge, in an aspect to get into the business with latest technology. Also care should be taken and structure should be in such as way that firm should be flexible enough to adapt to latest technology without much of hassle and complexity. If the start up organization fail to build a flexible structure then it will also fall in the same pit as other established company and the new comers will take over the lead. Environment: Environment plays a major role. In a high technology industry there is always high degree of uncertainty. This demands sophisticated architecture. New roles and specialties are often required in order to cope up with the emerging problems. High level of adaptability and flexibility are required in an uncertain industry like high technology industry. Strategy and goals: Strategic decisions are inclined towards long term goal and are concerned with the future (Chandler, 1962). Goals that are stated are the ones that an organization follows most of the time. We need to look beyond formal statement of purpose to understand the link that exists between strategy, goals and structure. Information Technology: New technologies and computers continue to revolutionize the amount of information available and the speed at which it can be shared. Information is central structural determinant. Galbraith (1973) defines uncertainty as difference between what information is in hand and what information is needed. As the gap increases, the complexity of making a decision also increases. In this situation organization has two choices: Firstly, reduced the need for information. Secondly, increase the capacity to process it. In a high technology organization it is better to choose the second option as high technology organization need as much as information possible to stay in the race. Information technology plays an important role in high technology firms. Innovations in information technology make flatter structure unavoidable. Drucker (1989) pointed out that information-based organizations need fewer management levels when compared to other industries. Similarly, this applie s to high technology firm and will follow more of flat structure than vertical structure. Nature of workforce: In a high technology industry, even a lower level workforce need to have high knowledge. Sometimes lower level workforce has more technical knowledge than their supervisors. There is increasing need to specialization of areas. Drucker (1989), makes an observation that work will be moved to place where people are rather than moving people where work is. Similarly there is need to design the structure such that there are different centers based on availability of work force. This again increases dependency on network as work has to be coordinated between different geographic locations. Boundary less organization: Prahalad and Lawrence (1995) insisted about the importance of boundary less organization. In a boundary less organization ideas flow through different layers easily and hence the productivity will be high. The organization as a whole functions far better. In the startup high technology organization the number of layers between top and bottom is less so that there is free flow of ideas. Care should be taken on diluting the number of layers as too much autonomy leads to chaos. The following factors should be considered when designing a structure. They are gap versus overlap, underuse versus overload, lack of clarity versus lack of creativity, excessive autonomy versus excessive interdependence, too loose versus too tight, goalless versus goal bound, irresponsible versus unresponsive. In our organization care should be taken such that there is no inclination towards any of the character discussed above. Right balance should be maintained. Structural configurations: Structural design starting from scratch does not happen most of the times. Usually supervisors copy an existing structure from their experience or some existing popular theory. Let us look at Mintzbergs fives and see how it is applicable in our organization. Mintzberg model has five components. First component is operating core. Core consists of employees who make the product to the customer or clients. Layer above this is administrative. They are managers who provide and control resource for the operation. Above this is strategic apex. It comprises of top level management, who are responsible for strategic decisions. Usually they are board of directors and equivalent. Two more components in the sides are techno structure which comprises of specialists who measure and inspect the output of the process. Last component is support staff whose work is to facilitate other workers and ensure smooth running of office. Mintzberg derived five structural configurations from this blueprint. Simple structure: This structure has only two level, strategic apex and operating core. Usually it has direct supervision. It works well in family business. The positives of simple structure are adaptability and flexibility. It also has negative side as boss too close to day today operation lose focus and gets distracted easily and they dont take into account the long range strategic issues. Machine bureaucracy: In machine bureaucracy, strategic apex makes all strategic decision, managers supervises all day today operation. And procedures are standardized. Machine bureaucracy has lots of support staff and few technostructures. Key issue is how to keep employees motivated as it is routine work. Professional bureaucracy: In this structure, majority of people are from operating core and very less number of managers. Technostructre is comparatively very less. Professional bureaucracy stumbles when they try to get a greater control over operating core. Divisionalized form: Work is done in the form of quasi-autonomous units. Each division serves different market. For example a MNC might have financial service, IT, manufacturing etc. It creates ample resource and responsiveness without much risk. But it has other tensions like cat and mouse game between the headquarters and the division. The other potential problem is the gap that widens between head quarters and the divisions. Adhocracy: Adhocracy is loose, flexible structure mostly tied together by lateral means. This kind of structure is more often found in condition of turbulence and rapid change such as advertising industry. After looking at these five structures its professional bureaucracy and divisionalized form that suits our organization. In high technology industry, there is need for more people with technical skill than managerial skill. Hence professional bureaucracy works well in high technology organization. Restructuring: Every organization has to restructure at some point in time. Restructuring is time consuming and more over it does not even guarantee success. Restructuring happens due to various pressures such as environment shifts, technology change, organizational growth and leadership changes. Miller and Friesen(1984) found that companies in trouble usually fall in the following three categories. Impulsive firm: It is a fast growing organization with rapid changes usually lead by one or very few managers. This will lead organization to run out of control. Many onetime successful owners fail to recover from this stage and they stumble. Stagnant bureaucracy: These are organizations that follow old tradition. They often become too stagnant. They dont make up to market speed and lower level managers often feel left out. Headless giants: These are loosely coupled organizations where the administration is weak. Most of the decisions are made by the division and does not have any real strategy at the top. Decision making is not proactive whereas it is reactive. Organizations are reluctant to make changes in structure because it creates uncertainty and confusion. Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility is the most accepted and credible form to prevent societies from social unrest and save the planet and environment from destruction through corporate behaviour. The relationship between corporation and the society is interdependent. Any organisation is largely dependent on social stability and economic condition. In case of international organisation like the high technology organization, it is important to operate in a responsible manner particularly in local community to avoid conflicts and avoid boycotts. However Multi National Companies face problem when respect for local community clash with core value. For example when a company has its core value as equal opportunity for all, this will collide with job for locals. Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility strategies makes good business sense. Profit maximization is not the mantra of start up hight technology firm as it can equally hurt. Only a long-term rather than short term, balanced v iew on profit maximization will be reasonable, and responsible. This makes it evident that Corporate Social Responsibility can provide an opportunity for organisation to improve their long term profit and at the same time benefit wide range of people apart from managers and owners. This ensures sustainability. Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility is a major source of competitive advantage. One reason for doing good is to create a good opinion about the company among the society. This creates an intangible asset that is impossible for a competitor to reproduce. Thus we can say Corporate Social Responsibility is a major player in value creation. Another source of competitive advantage is by reducing operating cost. In high technology business, the costs associated with dumping of hardware can be avoided by giving it to the charity. Researchers have found that certain consumers are interested in buying product that adds value to the society. Also there are bunch of investors who prefer investing in companies that has high social responsibility. The High technology start up firm can tap this market by maintaining high level of Corporate Social Responsibility. 75% of consumers declare that they would not buy a product that doesnt have good ethical value or goods produced under bad circumstances. So it is important for the firm to act ethically as major customers consider ethical value. Research has found that certain consumers are even ready to pay a premium for sustainable products. We have seen the benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility but the real problem is the implementation phase and the practical feasibility with such measures. Major decisions needs to be taken not only on what the corporation should engage in but also should measure whether the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative will fail or succeed. A prerequisite for corporate responsibility is availability of resource. This would explain why survey among 1000 companies have shown that 94% believe Corporate Social Responsibility will lead to profit but only 11% were able to implement it. So in the high technology firm that is discussed, care should be taken that we are not falling short of resource as this is a major road block in implementation phase. For a new firm it can be difficult implement CSR because there wont be well established formal structure. Further more they will be in a phase of survival. Corporate climate tells how things are and corporate culture tells as why things are as they are. Both climate and culture are key factors for corporate social responsibility. Conclusion: Corporate Social Responsibility brings sustainability in business. This works well in long run. Also Corporate Social Responsibility provides competitive advantage over the competitors. For a start up high technology firm, structure plays an important role. Without structure, energy and time of resources are often misdirected. Often we fail to find the real cause if the problem. For example sometimes we spend more time and money on training but the real problem is with social architecture rather than peoples attitude and skill. There is no perfect structure. It depends on circumstances and factors like technology, goal, strategy and environment. A structural design might be apt for a particular time and circumstance but more often than not there will be need to change the structure depending on the changes in goal, strategy and environment. Restructuring is important but at the same time it is high risk. In short term it creates more confusion and anxiety. In long run it depends on h ow well it gels with the organisation goal, environment and strategy.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Three Plans For Reconstruction Essay -- essays research papers

Analysis of the Three Plans for Reconstruction The American Civil War, lasting from 1861-1865, was the most severe military conflict the country had seen; it involved the United States of America (the Union), and eleven secessionist Southern states (the Confederate States of America). The war was the upshot of decades worth of political, social, and economic conflict between the agricultural South, which produced mainly cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, and sugarcane, and the industrial North. The South depended on its four million slaves for its social and economic livelihood, whereas the North despised slavery as immoral and illegal. Even before General Lee’s surrender in 1865, the federal government was confronted with an acute dilemma, how to reunite the country. First Lincoln, then Johnson, and lastly Congress, imposed their ideas of how best to restore the Union, that is to say properly execute the task of Reconstruction. Reconstruction was initiated by incumbant President Abraham Lincoln before the war ended. On December 8, 1963, Lincoln revealed his rather extremely lenient Reconstruction plan. He proposed to grant a pardon to any confederate (excluding high-ranking officials), who would swear their allegence to the Union and accept the end of slavery. If ten percent of the 1860 voting population had taken the oath, that state would hold a constitutional convention. If the delegates had written a state constitution endorsing the 13th Amendment, that state could be re-admitted to the Union. Andrew Johnson, President Lincoln’s Vice President, and successor after his assasination in April of 1865, unveiled his own Reconstruction plan on May 29 of the same year. Johnson’s plan, which closely resembled Lincoln’s, said the President would appoint a governor to each state (after ten percent of the 1860 population took the oath Lincoln had prescribed in 1863), who would convene a constitutional convention. At this convention, the state had to write a new constitution, void secession, abolish slavery, ratify the 13th Amendment, and stop the payment of war debts. If given a pardon by the President, former Confederate officers and persons owning land worth over $20,000, could vote. Johnson felt that under his plan, Reconstruction would take a few months; in fact, the belief that his plan was too lenient towards the South –he granted 13,000 pardo... restore Southern society to antebellum status (as demonstrated by his vetos of the Freedmen’s Bureau, and of the Civil Rights Bill); and as a result, replenish the ruined Southern economy. Congressional Reconstruction, brought on a complete social revolution in the south. The South had a military occupation on their hands, and due to their continual resistance to Reconstruction allowed for the passing of seven separate legislations, aimed at changing their way of life. Politically, blacks had significant potential with the right to vote, especially in Mississippi, South Carolina, and Louisiana, where they were the majority of the population. Blacks managed to gain seventeen seats in Congress (two were in the Senate), and an equivalent number of state offices. Had the South agreed to Lincoln’s terms, or even Johnson’s, they would have been able to continue politically, socially and economically just as they had before the war. Unfortunately for the South, their pride and ignorance, caused them to unknowingly choose the greater of three evils. Although Reconstruction ultimately failed, it would have attained optimal results had the South accepted Lincolnâ⠂¬â„¢s Reconstruction Plan.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

AIDS and The Nervous System: A Focus On The AIDS Dementia Complex :: AIDS Disease Diseases Essays

AIDS and The Nervous System: A Focus On The AIDS Dementia Complex Infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the biologic agent of the AIDS syndrome, has emerged as one of the most important threats to public health in the United States and its incidence is rapidly increasing. A highly lethal disease with over 70% of AIDS patients dying within 2 years of diagnosis. This disease has already become the leading cause of death in men aged 25-44 and women aged 25-34. The Centers for Disease Control have for the purpose of epidemiological surveillance, defined AIDS as a "reliably diagnosed disease that is at least moderately indicative of an underlying cellular immunodeficiency in a person who has no underlying cause of cellular immunodeficiency nor any other cause of reduced resistance reported to be associated with that disease." [5] The pathophysiology of HIV is indicative of a retrovirus. At the cellular level the most distinct feature of AIDS is the depletion of the helper-inducer lymphocytes or T-helper cells. The specific antigen CD4 present on these lymphocytes appears to be the target of the AIDS retrovirus. HIV does not usually cause disease as soon as it is acquired and therefore in most cases, has a latency period which may be variable. The ultimate problem in this disease is the progressive immunosuppresslon due to the lack of lymphocytes. The nervous system is an early and obvious site of disease in AIDS In addition to the opportunistic infections that the defect in cell mediated immunity allows, there is neurologic damage directly attributable to the AIDS virus. Dysfunction’s of practically all parts of the nervous system have been reported as a direct or indirect result of HIV infection [3]. The human immunodeficiency virus directly attacks cells in the nervous system, although it does not cause morphologic injuries to the neurons. It causes disabling, but not necessarily irreversible changes to the brain and spinal cord. The most common manifestation of this virus is a progressive dementia associated with subacute encephalopathy which is a part of the AIDS Dementia Complex. Spinal cord, cranial nerve, and peripheral nerve damage also occur but at a much lower frequency and are less likely to command the overall course or the disease. As more is learned about HIV infection, the effect on the nervous system be comes more apparent. Estimates on the Prevalence of neurologic consequences of AIDS range from 31-65% in adults and 50-90% in children[5].

The Interaction of Culture and Technology throughout History :: World History

The Interaction of Culture and Technology throughout History Throughout human history, the expansion of technology has been dependent on the cultural environment into which it was introduced. Intricacies in social and cultural beliefs are among the reasons Europe’s technological dominance and expansion from the 15-1600’s to the early twentieth century. In addition, isolation and cultural conservatism are among the main reasons that Chinese culture, whose inventions range from paper to the wheelbarrow, never capitalized on their large technological advantage to expand their Empire. This and other examples demonstrate the need of our society to create a society that promotes not only the innovation but the adoption of new technologies. Before delving into the diverse examples of technologies constrained by culture, we should consider the example which has become the poster child for social control of both technology and environment. According to the first chapter of Clive Ponting’s Green History of the World Easter Island flourished as a society for a thousand years starting from approximately the fifth century. Hallmarked by the large stone heads that are scattered across the island, Easter Island collapsed as a society because of the mass deforestation and destruction carried out by the islanders. The large trees that were present on Easter Island were used by the islanders for a large number of traditional applications. Large canoes were fashioned for sea fishing, bark was used for creating nets, and timber was used for building houses. The most significant technology that the trees of Easter Island were employed for was the transportation of the totemic heads that represented tribal status in the Islandà ¢â‚¬â„¢s culture. Easter Island, like so many other early and modern civilizations, went about employing the environmental resources of the island around them. Within about a thousand years they had almost completely deforested Easter Island and their complex society and large population had collapsed. What is most important about Easter Island is not that a society overused its environment and collapsed; many different cultures have in the past overextended their environment and many do so today. No doubt we shall continue to do so into the future. What is prevalent about Easter Island is the reason the islanders deforested their environment. The large stone heads that the Easter Islanders employed as symbols of status in their society require trees for their transportation. More than 600 of the heads dot the landscape today and there are others left incomplete in the Easter Island quarries.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Kitchen Best Essay

Individual case study: Kitchen Best Kitchen Best is the typical family owned SME, specialized in the Kitchen appliance production, with Headquarter in Hong Kong and manufacturing plant based in China, in the Guandong province. The main problems concerning the company, are all related with its managing and governance system. The company has been run for years by its founder, Cha Dong, who managed it in a paternalistic way, establishing very strong relationships with most of its senior Staff. His management style reflected the old business culture, characterized by high sense of belonging to the â€Å"family† and an high degree of acceptance of the practice of kickbacks, considered the normal way to run business in China. When Cha Dong, at the end off its career, left the management to its son, Henry Chan, all the governance shortcomings came to light. Henry Chan, who received a Western education, had a more international approach, less involved than its father in the operationa l activities of the company and more focused on its ambitious targets. He prospected to double the revenues of the company entering the US and EU market directly, while continuing to serve the Asian market, where its father focused until that day. Its expertise in the Western culture would have helped the enter in such markets, making the project ambitious but feasible, on the other side focusing in such a target would have meant ignoring the management aspects of its role, who are the basis for the success of a company. Furthermore Henry Chan lack of operational expertise, so he completely relies on Ma Luk, the company’s operations Director, to whom his father delegated the entire operational activities of the factory, during its lasts years of management. He had in that way a great independence and power, given by its expertise and close connection with clients and suppliers. He had also a low level of coordination with Henry Chan, to whom he formally reported, but still su bstantially referred to Chang Dong for important issues. In fact the Kitchen Best founder had still a strong managerial presence in the company, as all its employees trusted him completely, we can asses that the managerial transition did not happened in substantial terms. The company’s culture reflects the old managerial style of the founder: the selection and training of employees is done on a familiar contact base, not relying on impartial standards of efficiency. The lack of standards in training and  recruitment, the high degree of toleration of kickbacks, together with the high independence in the operational decisions, are all factors that contributed to the bad management of the Staff. To Ma Luk, too much power was delegated, with no substantial control, due to the lack of technical skills of Henry Chan. Moreover his strong ties with clients and suppliers were created through kickbacks, tolerated by the father and after by his son, partially to provide a certain continuation in management and partially for fear of losing most of the crucial contacts. Sze, on the other side, trained Macy Wei, Quality Control Manager, affecting so the impartiality required by her role. Looking at the Trust and Advice Network inside the company, we will s urely underline a strong connection between Sze and Macy Wei, as between Ma Luk and Cha Dong, while the actual manager of the company will result isolated and not connected to the main key figures of Kitchen Best. The communication Network will also reveal important managerial considerations. The communication is formal, non effective and one-way: from the bottom to the top, with a total absence of feedback from Henry Chan. A radical change is so necessary in the company’s culture and governance system, starting with a zero tolerance approach toward facilitating payments. Kickbacks are reducing the competitiveness of the company and is severely punished by criminal laws both in China and Macao, where the company operates. This corruptive system is also exposing the company to many problems: one of its key customers, Honghua, has adopted a zero tolerance policy to kickbacks and the company is re-evaluating all its suppliers under standards of competitiveness. To cope with these issues, Henry Chan should concentrate more in the operational part of the company, gaining expertise and position himself strongly at the head of the company. First of all, he should establish a code of ethics, as a first step to change the old and paternalistic company’s culture, by inserting Western elements such as standards and ethics principles. The Code of Ethics should be a formal statement, containing ethical principles related with employees responsibilities and Business integrity. On the other side, Standards should be settled and implemented, with a zero toleration of sub-standards, especially when Selecting, Hiring, Training and Promoting employees. Promotions should be based on performance and compliance with the Codes. Moreover an External Independent Auditor should be hired to control that all  the members of the company, and also its suppliers are complying with standards and Codes. After all, Henry Chan should communicate in an effective w ay the radical measures adopted, explaining to the Stuff how fundamental is for the company to meet the standards established, to enhance its competitiveness in order to better serve its actual Asian clients and to enter the US and EU market. Repeating past errors, such as the Shago or Haus de Metro Incidents, will be fatal for the future of the company: suppliers will be chosen according to their competitiveness and no more on family or friendship relationship base. For that reason a specific Code of behavior for Suppliers has to be implemented too. In conclusion, to make the corporate governance transformation of Kitchen Best feasible, Henry Chan should definitely strengthen its position and impose a more ethic behavior inside the company. To do so, he should enter into the Trust Network, establishing a trust relationship with its Stuff, not being afraid of scolding them when necessary and partially divesting their strength in the customer and suppliers relationships. He should Invest much more time in operational and managerial tasks, as the growth and success of the company depend on them. He should also implement a bi-side communication with its employees, reporting periodically their performances through Feedbacks. When Henry Chan will have adopted all these measures and implemented all the Standards and Codes, his father will be divested from its role, reducing so its influence in the company’s decisions, who reflected the old paternalistic culture, favorable to the unethical practice of facilitating payments.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Course Integration Proposal: Architecture and Entrepreneurship

Why have you chosen to incorporate these classs?Entrepreneurship as it relates to get downing and constructing a successful concern. â€Å"Entrepreneurship is the procedure of chance acknowledgment and resource acquisition that leads to the creative activity of something new.† To use Entrepreneur’s head set in the chase of Architecture can be helpful if seeing the broad array of originative chances a individual can make with an architectural grade.What will you make to incorporate the classs?Understand the value of entrepreneurship in architecture and the design professions to society. Identify and critically analyze major issues in entrepreneurship. Identify some of the taking figures in entrepreneurship and diverse design. Present prospective calling way in a manner that communicates efficaciously for future prospective.How will you demo that you have successfully completed the integrating ( i.e. , presentation, research paper, or other signifiers of certification ) ? You should confer with with your module on effectual and appropriate options for this.A paper with appropriate survey and diagram to demo the Entrepreneurship in Architecture. Abstraction Entrepreneurship as it relates to get downing and constructing a successful concern. â€Å"Entrepreneurship is the procedure of chance acknowledgment and resource acquisition that leads to the creative activity of something new.† To understand and use Entrepreneur’s head set in the chase of Architecture can be helpful if seeing the broad array of originative chances a individual can make with an architectural grade. The Value and demand in architecture entrepreneurship to society today is altering radically. So identifying chances and alterations today, critically analyze major issues in entrepreneurship. Besides identify some of the taking figures in entrepreneurship and diverse interior decorators in recent events. To present prospective calling way in a manner that communicates efficaciously in usage of diagrams, artworks, and instance survey for prospective hereafter. How does one learn and fix for the forthcoming of entrepreneurial activity that may potentially convey impact the tomorrow’s society? And how does instruction convey one to the province of doing something from nil a pattern of procedure that can be taught and larn to put to death? Those necessary tools, mentions, resources, and procedure for get downing a concern from enterpriser category has taught me a lesson. The Search for bing successful theoretical account with leading, attitude towards the universe, organisation, and larning behaviour in invention of creativeness through instruction is cardinal to the kernel. I think the importance of the definition of being an Entrepreneur â€Å"a individual who will take duty for he/she wants it that way.† ( Kane John ) Not simply to merely hold thoughts, clip, and money to fire, but requires awareness, insight, and hazard taking to do it. It is meaningful because most people wanted to get down their ain concern may non hold the hazard taking preparedness or non even have the consciousness for what worst scenario for issue scheme to endorse up the dedication and finding. And the 3 Legged Stool construct for a successful company is non merely for concern. Annuity income, net income, and love what you do are the keys to success, about applies all from personal end, household, organizational, up to national and universe broad, that portions common involvements or non, those 3 keys motivates one another, runs like an engine towards a province of peace and security. Based on Keynesian economic system construction theoretical account today, the concern rhythm of roars and flops, and whoever can sit the tide could hold a appreciation on the hereafter insight trough enterpriser act. And understanding the enterpriser mentality is the first measure for be aftering to get down a concern. Unlike the environing existent universe Architecture has non change in a great spring in its indispensable building method and construct since the modernism in the 20th century, while industrial revolution followed by the flourishing engineering and scientific theory along with station war and population booming. The pattern of architecture is easy doing its ain advancement non wholly in the same gait, but yet the society is looking to designers to work out planetary jobs. We have an chance to utilize our problem-solving accomplishments to change the hereafter of civilisation and do money making it. But does the society need it? See architectural potencies of proposed concern program, or concern potency of proposed design. Patenting constructive item. But what recommends option A over B? What strategies exist in agreement for the demand by aiming demands and presuming a ne'er been built undertaking will make good to its bing context, civilization, and all other facets? It would be ex perimental of act along the manner. The designer is, one time once more, emerging as â€Å"leader† . Master Builders ( architect-led design/build services ) are retrieving from near extinction and offering services to the high-end, every bit good as mass market clients. Home programs are being designed by designers and offered as an option to the mass produced â€Å"builder† market. Advocates for â€Å"good design† have built really profitable concerns around evangelism for their cause. Skyscrapers and big urban graduated table planning led by the good weather-beaten economic system maneuvering the way of architecture resource up or down. Architecture depends on economic growing. When can architecture be wholly independent economically and bring forth wealth itself to the universe system? The â€Å"Tiltwallism† by Jeffrey Brown and Andrew Vrana in Matalab, both from an entrepreneurial act to emerge architecture and enterpriser. The renewed involvement in â€Å"green architecture† is making an wholly new market ready to be led by designers. Niche houses specialising in sustainable architecture and prefabricated places have emerged. These advanced manner brought back natural manner of edifice with nature basically brings in the act of entrepreneurial mentality. Entrepreneur Architects are forcing the boundaries of the traditional pattern but are they truly incorporating to a full extend in array of chances? Others are utilizing engineering to offer new or improved services in pattern. Many more are supplementing their work as designers with personal passions such as authorship, speech production or learning. Many retail ventures have besides been launched by designers, offering merchandises such as lighting, plumbing, furniture or accoutrements. Stating â€Å"Design is non doing beauty, beauty emerges from choice, affinities, integrating, love, † by Louis Khan, is truly true when it comes to what the universe truly needs to be satisfied, the true beauty would be delighting itself through the procedure of acquiring to the ultimate ideal province. The recycling stuff reuse to cut down natural stuff ingestion and impact on the natural environment as a motivational ethical statement, can bring forth the true usage of stuff meeting the demand with accommodating regionally applied constructional methods and stuffs. â€Å"Kengo Kuma, boldly declared that his ultimate purpose was to wipe out architecture’ so that his edifices became one with their surroundings† atomized, particallized construction.The Great Wall House by Kengo Kuma and he used locally produced stuffs wherever he could. The bamboo is a symbol of cultural exchange between Japan and China, , The stuff allows both light and air current to go through through and creates a brooding ambiance – transient and dependant on the alterations in the outside conditions. Shigeru prohibition dedication on reclaimable stuffs such as wood, paper for building, besides provide easiness of shelter for catastrophes such as earth temblor. Material usage in Japan Pavillion, Expo 2000 Hannover ( 2000 ) a†Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ Curtain Wall House ( 1995 ) a†Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ Centre Pompidou-Metz ( 2010 ) all demonstrate the entrepreneurial act of his gesture in today’s society.Exterior Bamboo Cladding The Ring Celestial Bliss in Taiwan was designed steel and bamboo construction looks like a elephantine radiance object hovering over the land. The designers at J.J. Pan & A ; Spouses used reclaimable steel, which serves as the primary structural system, and bamboo facing. The interior projection screen was made from recycled stuffs, while bamboo subdivisions were incorporated into the flooring. Construction stuffs were locally sourced, significantly cut downing transit C footmark. Idea to Product ( ITP ) has been the executing from imaginativeness to realisation. While architectural thoughts may sometimes be a phantasy for today’s engineering, advancement and hope to further land to realization lid by glimpse of visible radiation in 3D printing industry. The bally hereafter in 3D printing engineering brought us hope to get down a revolution non simply in architecture itself but many other facet of universe world in societal, economic, cultural, and environmental. Designed by Nervous System ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) , Kinematic allows for the creative activity of necklaces, watchbands and earrings. Users can sculpt the form of their jewellery and command the denseness of the form. Designs created with Kinematicss can be ordered in polished 3D printed nylon in a assortment of colourss, which will be produced by a 3rdparty. Peoples who already have entree to a 3D pressman can download the STL file for place printing. Beyond the jewellery scope, Nervous System has besides been working on larger graduated table merchandises with more advanced package with broader practical applications, an illustration of which is a flexible frock that can be printed in one piece. Bing a portion of the google developer plan, utilizing 3D printing fictile stuff into vesture, the Kinematics frock demonstrates the ability of 3D printing for new attack in fabrication that integrate design in digital fiction from customization to realisation. The folding of apparels can be manipulated into signifiers and forms, manner and flexibleness in demand. â€Å" We refer to Kinematics as a 4D printing system because it generates tight objects that unfold into their intended form after printing, † by originative manager Jessica Rosenkrantz. Such daintiness in poly-geometric signifiers requires tremendous procedure power from computing machine hardware though executing of 3d parametric package, outlining inside informations in every small connexions between pieces should be fine-tuned. The frock had been acquired as lasting aggregation in the Museum of Modern Arts of New York as a certain affirmatory to the new fiction attack. But the downsides are besides obvious that productiveness velocity is a job where construction and method is still doing the prints procedure slow, material assortment is limited unlike natural silky or rage texture a tradition vesture may offer. It is cheaper comparison to competitor’s method in the market today but non yet a cost effectual and non low-cost to ordinary purchaser at $ 3,000 for a piece of frock. Finally, lower production cost to cheaper monetary value may replace the demand for alternate vesture option, where finally the populate usage of 3D-printing will intend everyone has the entree to a 3D pressman being able to publish their ain merchandise that may be redefining society’s demand and developing new alternate manner of life and life today. Computer scientist Yuichiro Takeuchi, who is trusting to do the universe a greener topographic point with 3D pressman, a specially designed package plan that prints incasements. The form of each incasement is first designed with a CAD plan and so printed with a type of narration. Following this, an fond regard on the pressman deposits bantam seeds into the incasement. Within hebdomads, the seeds begin to turn into workss. Takeuchi claims to be able to publish incasements in any form, equaling the imaginativeness of even the most originative garden interior decorator. The seeds grow within the incasements due to a procedure similar to aquicultures. This is a procedure whereby workss aren’t grown in dirt, but alternatively within a stuff that contains mineral foods. Vertical gardens, such as those famously designed by Patrick Blanc, are besides grown in this mode. But while traditional perpendicular gardens such as these can be considerable sums of money to put in and keep, Takeuchi believes that 3D printed workss will be cheaper and easier to turn. With a bigger and faster 3D pressman, Takeuchi hope to be publishing yarn incasements big plenty to turn fruits, veggies and trees, in the close hereafter, particularly when a clip of nutrient scarceness due to overpopulation may come in work stoppage, respond to environment alteration and demand of the universe is the indispensable to an entrepreneurial spirit. In trusting to do a large impact on Tokyo’s ecosystem by transforming left over concrete jungles into green surfaces, this attack can be using to the metropolitan country from densifying urban puting population, conveying back nature into the metropolis. â€Å"Here in Japan we love fire beetles, but as they can merely boom in pristine environments we don’t see them in dense, built-up Tokyo. I’m trusting that by put ining a figure of printed gardens on rooftops and walls throughout Tokyo, I can someday convey back fire beetles to my neighborhood.† Patric Blanc’s new populating wall installing at the Oasis of Aboukir in Paris. I have a dream that one twenty-four hours, a nuptials garnished and decorated with 3D printed nano stuffs that are reclaimable after life clip or non, customized to all attendant, for the best wants of all. Coming place to a welcoming 3D printed landscape garden that grows ain veggie and nutrient, and into the customized printed house that is free to spread out and modify its stuff conveying flexibleness to life. Family and friend could portion the unfastened beginning of designs amongst the common involvement to publish for their ain demand, while shopping is basically one chink off to publish the desire merchandise design to a finish without transporting! Which of class brings the â€Å"unintended consequences† , jurisprudence of unseen/seen causes of action brought by Frederic Bastia. And as Joseph Schumpeter indicates the â€Å"creative destruction† led to a new globalisation of logistic theoretical account. This twenty-four hours shall come shortly with the turning promotion of stuffs and engineering today.