Tuesday, May 7, 2019

HR Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR Questions - Essay ExampleOrganizations fork up actually embarked a great deal of changes and expectations from the exertion force, which has quickened the role of HRM. common chord run aways that argon changing the function of HRM argon change management, strategic planning and training and management. These roles have relatively changed a great deal because of economic and technological changes, diversity and increasing demographics and organizational restructuring. For instance, considering socio-political polices which were considered as non-central to HRM are now doing strategic planning. Similarly, change management has to be undertaken by carefully allocating diversity within the organizations as people from different backgrounds and nationalities have become part of organizations. Q2- Describe the differences between internal comeliness comparisons and immaterial equity comparisons, and explain their consequences on the organization. outdoor(a) equity comparisons ar e one, when an employer decides to pay wages to his or her work force according to the pay rates implemented by other employers in the market place. For this reason, employers are expected to measure the labor markets to get an idea of how he or she will have to excogitate wage plan. On the other hand, internal equity comparisons occur when an employer decides to pay wages to the employees, according to the spirit of job, i.e. the more the work performed by a histrion, the more wages he or she will earn. External equity comparisons may result in higher wages being paid to the employees, even if they have not put sufficient input in do their assigned jobs. Whereas, internal equity comparisons attain an environment, where the employer and employees both have fair portion of the money they earn for their efforts at work place. Q3- Discuss equal worth by (1) defining it and (2) citing four potential problems in its implementation. Comparable worth is an idea, which entails that ea ch worker should receive equal wages, regardless of the gender. Comparable worth is also known as pay equity and it allows an employer to pay equal amounts to different job titles according to their worth for the employer. The biggest problem with comparable worth is that the jobs performed by female workers are usually undervalued or do not have significant impact on the operational capacity of the organization. Moreover, implementing such systems would cause disturbance among male workers, as they will be performing tougher tasks and receiving the same amount as women. Male workers might also raise their voice against this gender discrimination. From affable perspective, the respective(prenominal)s might also see it as an act of inequality and denial to the idea that every individual should be treated equally, regardless of the gender. Q4- Describe five reasons why merit pay programs may not help organizations increase their overall productivity. Q5- What are some issues of proc edural justice that might develop in administering merit pay? In any company setup where rewards are offered by the management to employees they tend to assess these rewards on the basis of two distinct attributes, which are namely distributive and procedural. Distributive dimension is related to the evaluation of the value of reward they have received whereas procedural dimension is related to the perspicacity of the process, which is adopted by the management to decide the value of reward. Important aspects of procedural justice that may arise in administering merit pay may include 1) whether the private instructor or supervisor performs his duties ethically 2) whether the manager allow opportunity to employees to express their viewpoints and actually takes them into consideration 3) whether uniform standards

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